Monday, June 8, 2020

Stop saying 'I'm fat'

Women we can be really horrible to themselves. We can stand in front of the mirror and mentally hurl insults at ourselves that we wouldn't dream of telling another person. Language is a powerful thing and some words are loaded with negative emotions that drag us down without even realising.
Top of the list of phrases that should be banished; 'I'm fat!' It's a self-defeatist statement. It implies fat is a fixed state of being, and there is nothing you can do to change it.
Just eradicate it from your vocabulary, right now. Try saying things like;
'I don’t yet have the body I would like to have but it is in my hands to change that!

Then ask yourself are you ready to make a change? What is the reason? What is your WHY?

One of my clients has recently decided that she really wants another child but for this would need to shed a few kg before she would want to be pregnant and suddenly the “WHY” has become so strong that the motivation to change runs on a high every day!

5 kg in 2 weeks through a change in her daily food intake – now I don’t recommend people to lose weight fast by cutting down daily calories too much. I am a big fan of reducing it a bit every day AND changing habits, but in this particular case the decision to go for another pregnancy has been so strong that she was willing to reduce faster and stick with it.

Remember though, everybody has fat on their bodies. It protects vital organs, insulates the body, and provides fuel to keep us going when we can't access food.

Also women’s bodies just are built different and I would want you to start of with accepting yourself first!

It doesn’t matter what you weigh YOU ARE AMAZING! You have achieved amazing things in your life and IF you really take the decision to want to lose weight, make sure the picture of yourself, is one that YOU feel good in, not one that the media makes you believe everyone should have!

As for language…You will stand taller, and feel much more motivated to lose weight, just by changing the way you speak to yourself.

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