Friday, April 10, 2020

Healthier Life

Now that nearly the whole world is confined to staying at home people will start eating more and exercising less. Let's look at why we eat for a minute: b
ecause we are bored. Because we are stressed.

If you are bored, you are not using this time to improve your mind, your body and your soul. Instead of TV and mindless internet surfing, set yourself a daily routine and stick with it. Don't start sleeping in every day, get up at your usual time, do some short exercises and plan the day with loads of positive activity. Read a book, call a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time, learn a new skill.

If you are stressed, learn to take deep breaths, count to ten, put a smile on your face even if you don't feel like it because just by doing that you will immediately feel happier. And as always drink lots of water.

A healthier life will be a happier life!

Hi everyone!

I know times are not easy right now but I felt it was the right time to separate the general coaching from the health coaching calls as I would really like to bring all my experience and knowledge together in one place.

Being a mum has its challenges, being a single mum has additional challenges, although I chose to have children through IFV on my own, so my situation is different to other single mums but still nevertheless children are demanding and you need to make time for them and for yourself.

Being in lockdown is challenging and also being at home most people tend to eat more and move less so… weight automatically becomes a challenge… Today I would like to share with you all the things that we discuss in our normal coaching sessions:

- How to stay fit when making time can be difficult

- How to get or keep the body that you want

And how to change your mindset from wanting the sixpack or the model body that we see in adverts every day to actually accepting your beauty and your body and working on achieving your “happy weight”- the weight that makes you feel good about yourself. You might want to lose 1 or 10 or 20 kg but you need to do it for the right reason. If you really are overweight, then yes, lets look at the eating habits, if you just have a few pounds that you gained after having your children and couldn’t lose until now – then lets look at that. Or if you just worked tirelessly and find yourself eating more in stressful situations and that is your situations - that is also solvable!

Whatever your situation is let’s talk about it!

Let’s find out what beliefs you have about you, about food, about how you should look like and turn them into beliefs that will serve you much better moving forward!

I am really looking forward to hearing from all of you!

If I can do it, you can do it too!

Keep safe and healthy!
