Thursday, September 17, 2020

Recommended Book: The Diet Compass: the 12-step guide to science-based nutrition for a healthier and longer life

What do people with a particularly long life-span eat?
How can you lose weight efficiently?
Are illnesses in old age avoidable?
Can you ‘eat yourself young’?

Discover the answers to these questions and more in this practical, science-based guide to eating well and living longer, which has sold over a million copies worldwide.

When science journalist Bas Kast collapsed with chest pains, he feared he had ruined his health forever with a diet of junk food. So he set off on a journey to uncover the essentials of diet and longevity.

Here, filtered from thousands of sometimes conflicting research findings, Kast presents the key scientific insights that reveal the most beneficial diet possible. From analysing how much sugar you should consume to looking at the impact of supplements, fasting, and even whether you should drink tea or coffee, Kast breaks down diet myths to present the key facts you need to know in clear, accessible language.

Click on the picture below if you would like to buy the book:

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Why do we find it so hard to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Most of us would like to live a happy healthy life but…a healthy lifestyle is often perceived as difficult to follow. Did you decided for the millionth time during the new year that now is the time to get in to shape and get healthier? However, by the time spring started even before Covid- lockdown measurements your new routines were out of the windown and you had almost given up on the idea. Well don’t give up just yet, because I can help!

So, what is healthy living really?

Healthy living is the day to day routine and lifestyle that lowers the risk of you being seriously ill or having a shorter life expectancy. However, health is not just about avoiding disease; it also takes in to account your physical, mental and social wellbeing. For many of us a healthy lifestyle may come in the form of losing a few pounds and dropping a clothes size. However, the holistic approach behind it is so much more important!

Losing weight can have a knock-on impact on your bodily functions, such as how well your heart and lungs can function. Moreover, it can reduce your risk of heart disease and many other factors, increasing your overall health. As well as this losing weight can improve your mental and social wellbeing, as it can help you feel more positive about yourself and your body image, and give you the confidence you need to be more social!

One of the key reasons you may feel that you are not able to lead a healthy lifestyle may be due to time constraints. You may lead a busy life, and either spend a large proportion of your day working or looking after children. This can make it harder to find the time to focus on your healthy living journey. The biggest issue of course at the moment is the lock down but… is it really?

Take this opportunity of time at home to plan! Educate yourself on what a healthier lifestyle for YOU would and could look like. New habits MUST be maintainable and realistic for you! Furthermore, you need them to be something that you are happy to stick to and if you have a family it also needs to work for you and your family.

If you are struggling with developing or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, why not book a consultation with me today! There are no food supplements, no extra food cost, just a daily routine which will help you live a happier and healthier lifestyle! So why not give it a go!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Can I get enough protein on a plant-based diet?

Plant-based diets are increasingly popular. More people are now choosing to go for a 'flexitarian' diet, with a focus on plant-based foods, but without cutting-out meat altogether.

We all know that we should be eating more fruit and veg, and a plant-based diet is highly beneficial as you will get all of the goodness of these highly nutritious foods and tend to eat far less processed foods.
Often it's assumed that you need to eat a lot of meat and dairy to get enough protein in your diet, but this is not the case. There are many plant-based protein sources and it is possible to have a balanced plant-based diet that is rich in protein. The great news is that vegan protein sources tend to be much lower in fat and you will find it much easier to lose weight when you cut down on fatty red meats.

So if you're considering a plant-based diet, here are a few protein sources to try.

Beans, pulses and legumes – considered a superfood, chickpeas, lentils and most varieties of beans contain around 15g of protein per serving. They are loaded with fibre, iron, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals, and are a slow-release carb meaning it will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Nuts and nut butters – an easy way to get more protein nuts and nut-butters make a delicious ingredient or a snack in its own right. As well as being high in protein, they also contain fibre and healthy fats, and are packed with nutrients. A good source of vitamin E, B, iron and antioxidants. Just watch out for hidden sugars in some brands.

Tofu, tempeh and seitan – these meat-substitutes are all very versatile and perfect for adding to stir-frys and main dishes. Tofu and tempeh are made from soy beans, while seitan is made using wheat gluten. They are all fairly meat-like in texture and soak up flavour very well making them a great choice if you miss the meaty textures.

Seeds (Flax, sunflower, poppy, etc.) - These are great for adding protein to salads, cereals, yoghurt or smoothies and are also packed with iron, magnesium and omega-3. Sprinkle on porridge for a healthy breakfast boost!

Protein is important to build and repair muscle, so if you are reducing meat and dairy make sure you don't neglect this vital food-group.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

5 exercises for your core that are better than sit-ups

Sit-ups are over-rated. They are the exercise that many people think of when they want to tone up their tummy, but if you think that doing 100 sit-ups is the best way to get washboard abs then there are much more effective exercises you can do.

Sit-ups are simple – but actually hard to do correctly. Using poor technique will put strain on your neck and lower back, which can cause unnecessary pain as well as pulled muscles and poor posture.

The tummy area isn't just one single muscle. It is made up of several groups of muscles, that all work in a different way...and this is why you can't expect one single exercise to get you a sculpted waistline.

If you really want to get results, you need to be regularly doing a variety of exercises that target the different muscle groups that make up your core.

Try this effective core-workout:

Plank (30 – 60 secs)

Squats (3 sets of 12 – 15 reps)

Side-dips (3 sets of 10 – 12 reps each side)

Mountain climbers (3 sets of 30 – 40 reps)

Cross-crawl (3 sets of 20 – 30 reps)

It's important to note that the abdominal muscles are really well-concealed beneath layers of fat and this is true even of very fit and healthy women. You may have a very strong set of core muscles, but still have belly fat. Keep doing varied workouts like the one above as well as following your meal plan and you will start to see results.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Back at the gym – what can you expect?

Gyms across the UK have re-opened recently, but you are likely to notice some changes. If you are eager to get back to your old routine, then it's worth checking on your own gym's website or social media to see what new measures are in place so that you don't get caught out.

A few things you should expect to do:

Arrive in your kit - some gyms are keeping their changing rooms locked, so you may be expected to arrive in your workout clothes. This also means showers are off-limits, and depending on the layout of your gym there may be no lockers available.

Check classes in advance - many centres will be running a reduced timetable and allowing a smaller number of people to attend, so you may need to book much further in advance. Some gyms will not be offering classes at all, while others will expect you to arrive 15 minutes early to allow for a socially-distanced changeover. No more last-minute dash through a crowded reception to get to spin class!

Prepare to have your temperature checked – some gyms will be checking on entry.

Avoid busy times - Equipment will be more spread out and a reduced number of machines will be likely. You gym will be restricting the number of people who can be inside at one time, so best to phone up in advance and avoid that 5pm 'happy hour'.

Clean up after yourself - Nobody likes arriving at a sweaty mat anyway, but take extra care to wipe down apparatus before and after use.

A final note -

Even if you've been exercising at home, it's likely that you haven't been working out as hard as you would at the gym. Ease yourself back into it gradually. Warm-up your muscles, keep to moderate exertion levels and take plenty of rest between sets to avoid injury.

If you need a helping hand to achieve your fitness goals then I can help.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Exercises for sculpted shoulders

One of the biggest mistakes women make when creating a fitness plan is not putting enough effort into the upper body. Well-defined shoulders are not only a symbol of strength but they will help you get that sexy 'V' shape and make the waist look smaller.

The other reason you should not neglect your shoulders and arms is that having more all-over muscle means your body works more efficiently and burns significantly more calories throughout the day.

Here are a few simple exercises to help you get started.

Shoulder press – This can be done with a barbell or with a dumbell in each hand. It can be done seated or standing, or if you want to challenge your core try sitting on a balance ball. Hold the weight by your shoulders with your palms facing forwards. Without leaning back, extend through your elbows to press the weights above your head. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Lateral raise – Hold one dumbell in each hand. Start with your arms relaxed by your sides, and raise the weights out to the sides until your arms are parallel with the ground, then slowly take them back down.

Front raise - Hold dumbells in front of your thighs, palms facing your body. Lift the dumbbells until your hands are in line with your shoulders, keeping your arms straight. Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position. This exercise can be done while sitting or standing, but aim to keep your back straight and core muscles tight.

Upright row – Start just as you did for the front raise. Bending your elbows, lift the dumbells up until they are in line with your chest. Hold for a second, and then lower to the starting position. This is best performed in a standing position, and take care to keep a straight back and tight core.

Keep the weight low and focus on good technique until you gain confidence. If you are a member of a gym, then you will find that some of the resistance machines perform very similar motions but by using free weights you are also working more of your core muscles to maintain your balance.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Confidence looks great on any dress size!

We women are often so hung-up on dress sizes, and it can be a challenge for so many of us to find clothes that fit us well! It's not just the larger sizes that are a problem either - I knew a lady who took a size 10, but she had very wide hips and she had such a hard time finding clothes. She permanently lived in stretchy clothing, or had to get a friend to make alterations.

As more shops cater for curvy women, tall women, petite women and plus-size women, finding the right size and shape can be harder than ever if you don't fall neatly into one single category. More choice = more confusion!

My point is, sizes really are meaningless! If you find a brand whose clothing flatters your figure, then stick with them! (a friend of mine literally buys every top in the Roman range – she doesn't even have to try them on as she is so confident they will suit her to perfection!)

The truth is that there is NO standard system, and it's not uncommon for a woman's dress size to vary up to 3 sizes between different stores. Some brands tend to be more generous in their sizing, but don't just buy something because you like what it says on the label. It really is just a number and you are so much more than that!

We all come in different shapes and sizes. The best thing you can do is to go for styles that flatter your body shape and suit your unique personal style. You'll look and feel fabulous, and that confidence will shine through whether you're a size 8 or 18!

Confidence looks good on ANY size!