Monday, June 8, 2020

Always listen to your body

I accompanied a friend to the gym for moral support a while back. Determined to lose a bit of weight he booked a trial session with a personal trainer. With severe arthritis in his knees, I advised him not to lift more than he was comfortable with and to stop if anything didn't feel right.  Did he listen?
Under the instruction of the personal trainer, he set about doing 20 second intervals on the bike, followed by the leg press. I watched from the corner of my eye as he loaded the weight up to 120kg... and CRUNCH! He tore three ligaments in one go.

If you don’t tell your Personal Trainer about the issues you or your body is facing, then you can not expect them to put the right programme together for you! And even IF you tell your PT, they are not in your shoes! No-one knows your body better than you do. If an exercise doesn't feel right, don't do it.

As we get older we need to think about training differently and when done correctly exercise can be wonderful even if you have to manage pain or want to relieve tension. Fitness isn't all or nothing - if you feel able to exercise that's great, but do make sure that you listen to what your body is telling you.

Find what works for you, and always go for your training to a pace you feel comfortable in. That does not have to be a gym, this can be at home or in a park and you can have YOUR exercise plan put together so you can do it even if you are in a hotel or travelling!

Remember also that recovery time is just as important as the training time! Your body, you know it your knowledge for a healthier you!

If you want us to help you put YOUR plan together that fits into YOUR life, please sign up on my website!

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